what we resist…persists

The constant reminders of resistance look and feel like…fear, anxiety, lashing out or withdrawal, rolling stomach, headaches, monkey mind-overthinking, over-eating, under-eating, sleep depravation, excuses- finding other things to occupy your time.

The amount of mental, emotional and physical effort procrastinating consumes, out ways the effort needed to deal with things as they arise, and yet, we put whatever it is off… a project, a conversation, even things that can and will bring us joy….we put off… the “I’ll get around to it” mindset

I think it’s safe to say most of us resist something or things in our life, whether it be daily, weekly, monthly or beyond.

The longer we resist the more it persists is indeed real, not only for the reasons I already mentioned, you might have your own reminders of resistance that you deal with, not taking action.

My admission to resistance….’PAPERWORK’

We all know what time of year it is….. TAXES and paperwork!

Somehow, 2024 was a year of collecting paper, not organizing it, not remembering where I put it…finding it is the strangest places, not printing documents as they came in….and the list goes on….

So here we are 2025, and I am now making a list of everything I need to remember to get ready for my accountant, the pile of unorganized papers, mostly in one place….Grateful for an accountant that is ace at paperwork and making what feels like a daunting task for me, look easy.

So 2025, is going to look and feel much better in this department, I have a monthly file folder I keep in my car (my office), and every piece of paperwork immediately goes in…there is no more doing it later.

What are you resisting? Can you take small steps(time and effort) towards a better feeling internal space? Is there someone that you can ask to be your accountability partner?


it’s ok