it’s ok

 It really is ok to do what is best for you, what other people think is not our responsibility.  Our responsibility is to ourselves, to do what is best for you, at this moment and time.  People do not have to understand…get it or agree with it…. YOU do.

It is ok to change your mind and your course of direction along the way, there are no straight roads in life, there are very few even roads.  So, take as many curves and turns as you need to get to where you want to go, take as long as you need to get there, knowing it may get a little or maybe very bumpy along the way. 

It is ok to lose people along the way, to let go of the weight of other people’s expectations and opinions not only of you, but your direction.  This is not their journey, it is yours, let them go.

It is ok to question yourself, not to sabotage your dreams and give up, but to put things into perspective and find answers along the way.

It is ok to be ambitious and it is ok to ask for help, there are many people who want to see you succeed and will assist you to get there.

It is ok to feel every emotion that goes with growth, feel them, honour them, and release any that do not serve you. 

It is ok to have uncertainties, some may protect you, others destroy you.  Self doubt can slow us down and give us a pause to rethink, it can also destroy our motivation if we stay in that mind set too long…. Knowing if it is your coach or your critic talking to you is key.

Whatever it is you want to pursue…just start!


what we resist…persists


energy doesn’t lie